Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): A Doctrine of Devils
The Satanic Attack on Corporeal Punishment (I.e. Child Discipline/Spanking)
David Lynn, a Blasphemous Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Masquerading as a “Christian” Street Preacher
Hamas is Islam; Moslems are Demented Evil Savages — Abolish Islam Entirely in the West!
Does Islam Protect the Children? Moslems Leading the “1 Million March for Children” is a Red Herring
"The Chosen" — Unscriptural, Heretical, and Blasphemous; Yet Enjoyed by Many Professing Christians
10 Reasons Why NOT to Vote for the New Democratic Party (NDP)
Ramadan "Kareem”? — What Ramadan is Really About, and the Fallacy of Their “Fasting”
If Islam is a Religion of Peace, then Satan is a Peacemaker
Does Mankind Yield Such Power So That “Come Hell or High Water,” His or Her Plans Won't Be Thwarted?
COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth?
Should Women Ever Hold Authority Over Men?
News on Covid, "Vaccines," World News and NWO Tyranny — End-Times Evil
The Diabolical and Murderous Act of Abortion — Shedding Innocent Blood
Biblical Reasons Why No True Christian Supports the Apostate Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
Contrasting Islams god (Allah) with the God of the Bible (Jehovah) and the god of this World (Satan)
Tattoos Galore - A Clear Attestation of the Pagan Culture of Modern "Christianity"
Questions to ask Moslems
23 Years Ago, on 9/11, America Came to Know Islam; Today People Still Haven’t Learned The Lesson
No Professing Christian Should Ever Celebrate The Religious "Holiday" of Halloween!