Doctrinal Statement
Summary of Doctrinal Statement
I’m an Independent, Unaffiliated, Historic, KJV, Textus Receptus, Pre-Millennial, Separated, Local Church Only, Eternally Secure, Non-Calvinist, Non-Arminian, Non-Charismatic, Non-CCM, Non-Neo Evangelical, Non-Revivalist and Anti-Keswick/Higher Life, Lordship Salvation, Historic Preaching Baptist. Like John without the Girdle and Locusts. But I do like Wild Honey!
Brief Overview of Doctrinal Statement
A true and pure gospel, including true Biblical repentance (Ac. 3:19; 26:20; Lk. 14:25–15:32; 18:9-30; Matt. 21:28-32; Mk 8:34-38) and Lordship (Lk 14:25-15:32; Rom 10:9-10; Phil 2:10-11) and consistent separation from those who do not preach these truths (Rom. 16:17-18; Gal. 1:6-9).
Non-Calvinistic, non-Arminian soteriology.
Historic Baptist belief and practice because it aligns with Scripture.
Careful preaching and teaching of God’s Word paying close attention to each word of each verse of each chapter of each book of the entire Bible (2 Tim 4:2).
Willingness to change/conform to Scripture— growth and continuation of growth over time as Christ washes me with the Word (Eph 5).
A commitment to Biblical discipleship of members of the local congregation, producing a church of people who know, love, and obey the Bible
Evangelistic passion, obeying the Great Commission to preach to every single person in the area through various means including house-to-house (Matt. 28:18-20; Ac 20:20-21).
Verbal, plenary preservation of Scripture in the Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus and stance upon the English translation of the KJV only (Ps 12:6-7).
Biblical local-only ecclesiology, accompanied with consistency in practice in baptism, the Lord’s Supper, Spirit baptism, and other areas.
Biblically dispensational, pre-Millennial eschatology.
Historic Baptist, non-Keswick sanctification, aggressively opposing and exposing heretical Keswick/ higher life/ deeper life/ victorious life/ et al “theology.”
Christian living and church practice by faith and trust in the power of the Word and the Spirit, rather than worldly or pragmatic methods of church growth methodology and promotion and marketing techniques.
Qualified leadership—men who personally meet the requirements of 1 Tim. 3 and Tit. 1.
Emphasis on and careful teaching on the family including use of the rod and reproof in obedience to God’s pattern (Pr. 13:24; 19:18; 22:15, 17; 23:13-14; 29:15).
Sacred, reverent worship and obedience to the commands to sing psalms as well as hymns and spiritual songs (Eph. 5:18-22; Jam. 5:13) while opposing aggressively any form of CCM music including the use of their lyrics.
Gender distinction in clothing, hair, and appearance (Gen 1:27; De. 22:5; 1 Tim 2:9).
Commitment to allow only “sound doctrine” (Ti 2:1) and “no other doctrine” in the church (1 Tim 1:3) and separation from those who teach and practice other doctrine.
Biblical philosophy and practice of world evangelism/foreign missions.
Examining salvation testimonies and lives to ensure they align with the evidence and marks of salvation as detailed in 1 John and James.
People who love, carefully study, and treasure the Scriptures, and talk of them regularly, seeking to conform their lives to the Word in every area.
Stand against, strongly oppose and separate from all modern evils that are accepted as “Christianity” including liberalism, ecumenicism, neo-evangelicalism, neo-orthodoxy, the emergent church movement, charismatic and pentecostal sign-gifts, contemporary worship and music, Calvinism (incl. Reformed Theology), Arminianism, political liberalism and statism, social-justice “gospel,” etc — I am against every false and evil way.
No one member of the local church is more important than another. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. All should be obediently following the leading of the Holy Spirit by the Word of God (1 Cor 12:12-28; Rom 16; Paul’s Epistles).​
Doctrinal Statement on Controversial Subjects
The purpose of the following statement is to clarify, with relative brevity, where I stand on a number of issues that are controversial among modern professing Christians including independent Baptists. I will happily answer any questions, make any clarifications desired, and provide Scriptural support for my positions. A more detailed exposition of what I believe is found further below.
1. In Bibliology, I believe that the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words of the Old Testament Hebrew Masoretic Text and New Testament Textus Receptus that underlie the English Authorized King James Version (KJV) constitute the perfectly preserved Word of God according to God’s promises of perfect preservation of the words He gave. I believe that English speaking churches should only use the KJV. I do not criticize, but uphold, the KJV as a translation and as God’s Word intact in the English language. I reject all theories of Ruckmanism, such as advanced revelation in the English language, inspiration of the KJV translators, KJV is improved over the original language texts, and the like. I believe that the study of the original languages of the Bible is valuable and profitable, and at the very least should be studied when studying words in the Bible. I also reject all unbelieving higher criticism and textual criticism of the Bible, which includes modern translations from the Critical Text.
2. In Theology Proper, Trinitarianism, Christology, and Pneumatology, I hold to the classical view of God and of the Trinity, that God is one in essence, yet in three distinct and eternal Persons, sharing all the Divine attributes, and distinguished ontologically only in that the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son. Jesus Christ, in His incarnation, united to Himself a true human nature, so that He is now, and forever will be, one Person with two distinct natures, Divine and human. I accept the historic Baptist doctrine of Spirit baptism, recognizing that it was a first century phenomenon synonymous with Christ’s sending of the Spirit as Comforter, and from that time forward the Holy Spirit is received at the moment of salvation, to indwell, comfort, lead, teach, guide, convict and seal the saint till the day of redemption. The sign gifts ceased in the first century, and the allegedly restored charismatic and Pentecostal “gifts” are not of God.
3. In Anthropology, I believe that Adam was the first man, and all men sinned in him and were reckoned sinners by the immediate imputation of his sin and by the mediate receipt of a sinful nature through their parents (Gen 3; Ps 51:5; Rom 5). Scripture only teaches the recent creation of the human race, and evolution must be rejected in all its forms. The earth was created recently, not millions of years ago, the days of creation were literal, 24-hour periods with no gaps between them, there was no death before the Fall, and the Flood in Noah’s day was universal, not local. I also believe that man is body, soul, and spirit, and soul and spirit are not synonymous within the spiritual side of human nature, so that I confess a moderate trichotomy. Gender roles such as male headship in family, church, and society, are part of the created order, not a societal construct, so women are not to rule over their husbands at home nor lead the church as pastors or deacons or to be over men in any public sector or workplace.
4. In Hamartiology and Soteriology, I believe that a man is justified by repentant faith alone. I reject both Calvinism and Arminianism, believing that man is pervasively and terribly depraved as a result of the Fall and unable to save himself, but God gives prevenient grace to enable unconverted men to respond positively to His grace and granting of repentance. Election is based upon Divine foreknowledge, NOT predetermination as Calvinism supposes. The Atonement is penal, substitutionary, and unlimited. Christ’s literal blood-shedding was as necessary as His death for man’s salvation. Irresistible grace is not a Biblical doctrine; God’s grace is certainly resistible as noted throughout scripture, such as in Proverbs 1:20-30 and in the cases of Balaam, Judas, the followers of Christ in John 2:23-25 and 6:60-66, and many other places. God will preserve His saints to the end, He never ceases His work in them, so that they are eternally secure for that reason but many other reasons additionally (e.g., justification, reconciliation, regeneration, inseparable from God’s love, the gospel, etc). Repentance is change of the will and mind of man that results in a change of action, which is turning to God in sorrow from sin, from self, from stuff, from people, which produces true Biblical conversion and always a change of life. While believers can temporarily disobey, no true believer can ever be eternally lost or live in error or sin (2 Pet 1:4; 2:14, 18; 1 Cor 6:9-11; Gal 5:19-25). All believers are not progressively sanctified to the exact same extent, nor is sanctification automatic, but it is nonetheless certain, as is glorification.
5. In Ecclesiology, I recognize that the church is a local, visible assembly of immersed born again believers that have demonstrated evidence and fruit of salvation (Mt 13:23; Col 1:4-6). While all believers will one day assemble together in the New Jerusalem, the idea that all believers on earth are a universal, invisible church is false. The local, visible church is Christ’s body. Israel had the special closeness of the bride/wife relationship to God in the OT, and the local church does in the NT, while all in the New Jerusalem—the dwelling of all the redeemed of all dispensations—will enjoy that special closeness in the eternal state. Both baptism and the Lord’s Supper are church ordinances. Baptism requires a Scriptural subject, a truly saved believer; a Scriptural purpose, to show forth Christ’s death, burial and resurrection; a Scriptural mode, immersion; and a Scriptural authority, a N.T. Baptist/Anabaptist church—not a Catholic or Protestant religious organization. The Lord’s Supper of unleavened bread and wine is likewise a church ordinance, and it is consequently a memorial celebrated by each of Christ’s churches for their own members. Grape juice, not alcoholic wine, should be used at the Lord’s Supper, as it represents the unleavened blood of Christ and the Bible demands total abstinence from alcohol to be practiced by all Christians. Churches should practice congregational government and authority underneath the leadership of a pastor or pastors, rather than rule by a deacon board or board of ruling and teaching elders, none of which are biblical. The idea of a head pastor is Scriptural. Churches that currently are called “Baptist” have existed in every century since Christ started His church during His earthly ministry and before Pentecost. While there has been a real succession of Baptist churches from the days of Christ, their Founder, until today, each church is not obligated to trace its own succession link-by-link to prove that it is one of Christ’s true churches. Since the local, visible church is the pillar and ground of the truth for this age, conventions, associations, boards, and all parachurch institutions are unnecessary and unbiblical.
6. In Eschatology, I believe in a post-tribulation and pre-millennial Second Coming of Christ, as hundreds of scripture prophecy throughout the OT and NT. I believe that prophecy is to be interpreted only literally, never allegorically, and therefore accept dispensational distinctions and reject covenant theology. The one-world “church” of Rev 17-18 is centred in Rome, and modern Roman Catholicism is a partial fulfillment of the future one-world harlot “church.” Israel and the church are completely distinct entities. The lake of fire is a place where all the lost will suffer literal and conscious torment in fire and brimstone for all eternity.
7. Concerning other various controverted Personal and Ecclesiastical Practices.
(a) Evangelism. I believe that every Christian should be involved in aggressively seeking to reach every single person in his community with the gospel through practices such as house to house evangelism and literature distribution, while also supporting evangelists (i.e. missionaries) to reach the rest of the world. People who are truly saved with fruit of repentance and evidence of salvation, baptized by immersion, and faithfully serving as members of NT Baptist churches should be counted as converts, if one was to count converts. Those who merely repeat a sinner’s prayer and do not give all inclusive evidence of salvation as laid out in the epistle of first John or don’t have a desire to serve the Lord should not be counted as converts. God saves sinners who repent and believe in Christ, rather than any who say the sinner’s prayer or ask Jesus to come into their hearts. Churches should follow the evangelistic methodology of the book of Acts and the Lord Jesus Christ in the four Gospels, seeking to boldly preach the gospel to everyone, rather than following the evangelistic methodology of the “seeker-sensitive” or “purpose-driven” or or “neo-evangelical” or “emerging” movements by asking sinners to pray a prayer or ask Jesus into their heart or employ promotion and marketing techniques or worldliness to attract the lost.
(b) Music. I believe that in church and everywhere else Christians should reject all worldly, fleshly, and devilish music and listen only to sacred Christian music or classical music. All jazz, blues, country-western, easy-listening, rock, and rap music is worldly, fleshly, and devilish. The very highest standard of sacred music should be tenaciously held to and all of what is called Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) rejected. Churches should worship the Lord with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, rather than with songs that contain little Scriptural content or written by ungodly apostates such as CCM musicians.
(c) Modesty. I believe that Scripture teaches both modesty and gender distinction. Clothing that does not cover at least to the knee is nakedness. Modesty is more than simply not being naked. In the Bible, clothing normally covers the entire body to the foot, although when necessary men were allowed to gird up their loins. Wearing the clothing that pertains to the other gender is an abomination to God. Pants are men’s apparel, while skirts and dresses are ladies’ apparel. Men should have short hair and women should have long hair, which is described in 1 Corinthians 11 as hair to the middle of the back (“komao”). While the heart is more important than the outward appearance, what is reflected on the outside comes from the inside, from the heart, and reflects whether the person actually loves God (by obeying His Word) or loves Him not (Jn 14:21-24; 1 Jn 2:3-5). God wants the entire believer, inwardly and outwardly, to be consecrated to Himself, to be conformed to the image of His Son.
(d) Marriage and the Home. I believe that God hates all divorce, and that remarriage while one’s spouse is alive is adultery, continual adultery until repented of which requires ceasing and forsaking the sin (Pr 28:13). This does not change between saved or lost, since marriage was given to all of mankind (Gen 2-3) and is honourable in all (Heb 13:4). Pastors and other church leaders, like members of the church, cannot be divorced or remarried, nor should they be in the ministry if they cannot rule their own house and have ungodly children. Courtship under parental authority rather than dating is the Scriptural pattern for obtaining one’s life’s partner.
(e) Apologetics and Warning. I believe that part of a faithful and balanced ministry of preaching and teaching the whole Word of God is ongoing pointed and specific warnings about false teachers and false teachings. While providing the flock a steady diet of the exposited Word, it is critical to identify and reprove false teachers by name to protect the saints of God. Public ministries and teachers must be publicly reproved, named, warned of and exposed (Rom 16:17), following the example of prophets, priests, preachers, apostles and God the Son Himself in Scripture, including Paul the Apostle who names the names of ten individuals in 1 and 2 Timothy alone.
(f) Separation. Every NT church should practice a militant separation from the world and zealous and whole-hearted separation unto God, as well as a consistent and clear separation from all unconverted false teachers, disobedient brethren, and ecclesiastical compromise, so that a separatist stance, rather than a neo-evangelical position, is maintained.
Detailed Doctrinal Statement
Doctrine of Scripture​