Part Ib — Beware of Pastor Michael Sullivant and Pembina Valley Baptist Church / CBBC
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(d) Many testimonies of supposed conversions are presented to the church with no evidence of repentance or fruit of repentance. What is...
Part Ia — Beware of Pastor Michael Sullivant and Pembina Valley Baptist Church / CBBC
(This picture has been on their home website page for as long as I can remember.) I would be doing a great disservice to professing...
Is Caleb Garraway’s Gospel in The Gospel Film According to Scripture?
Caleb Garraway is a full-time travelling independent Baptist evangelist, “preaching, teaching, and singing in churches, Christian...
When Preaching on “Old Time Religion” is a Mockery of the Old Time Religion
Gordon Conner is the pastor of Greater Vancouver Baptist Church. He’s been pastor of that church for right around 30 years. You could say...
Jack Hyles - Part 1: The Manifold Evils and False Teachings of this Cultish Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our...
Independent Fundamental Baptist Wolves to Beware Of
Consider a brief exposé by way of video of the following IFB heretics, with the odd mention on how they tie to influential preachers and...
Is “Faith Promise Mission Giving” Bible-Based?
Faith-Promise-Missions-Giving (FPMG) is a popular philosophy embraced in baptist circles, especially amongst independent Baptists. It...
Keswick/Revivalist Theology Heresy Reigns at Baptist College of Ministry and Falls Baptist Church
Baptist College of Ministry (BCM) is a ministry administered out of Falls Baptist Church (FBC) of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, an...
Exposing the Great “Fundamentalist” John R. Rice
John R. Rice the great revivalist icon of Independent Baptist (IB) Fundamentalism (IFB), was a big leader in the Old Boys Club and a...
Beware of Spencer Smith
Although Spencer does put out some good warnings on error and false teachers, etc, my conscience in light of God’s Word says I must warn...
Exposing Rick Flanders Field of False Gospel and False Sanctification, Revivalism, and Deception
Rick Flanders is an Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) who practices currently as an “evangelist” after pastoring for thirty years. He...
Warning on S. M. Davis
My family and I started watching through S.M. Davis' video series on anger a number of years back, which we stopped about half way...
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