The Biblically Recorded Testimonies of Salvation of Some of the Apostles; Not a Call to Higher Christian Living
The Biblical Doctrine of Separation and Unscriptural Forms of Separation
Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price: Entrance into the Kingdom of God
Does the Bible Teach that Sinners Must Repent of Their Sin to be Saved?
The True Gospel of Self-Denial and Self-Abandonment vs The False Gospel of Self-Fulfillment
The Call to Discipleship is a Call to Salvation vs The False Gospel Being Preached at EBMC
Salvation Has Never Changed — Justification Has Always Been through Repentant Faith, by God's Grace
What is Revival According to Scripture?
All People Fit into One of the Four Soils of the Parable of the Sower and Seed — Which One Are You?
Can Water Baptism Save You?
Metamorphosis of a Sinner — How You Can Be Saved and Have Eternal Life
The Conversion of the 7th President of the USA, Andrew Jackson
Lordship Salvation is Salvation
Roman Catholicism vs Biblical Christianity
Life Is But a Vapour, While You Are Busy Straining at Gnats and Rearranging the Titanics Deck Chairs
Debunking False Arguments of the False “Change of Mind” Repentance Position
The Salvation of Abraham
The Amazing Paradox of Salvation and then the Christian Life
The Idolatry of Family - They That Love Their Family More Than Christ, Are Not Worthy of Christ
The Religious Rich Young Ruler (Mt 19; Mk 10; Lk 18): The Standard of Christ’s Gospel Preaching