ReubenThe False Gospel of Charles Ryrie and Other Doctrinal ErrorsCharles Ryrie (1925-2016) was a Bible scholar and theologian who served as professor of systematic theology and dean of doctoral studies...
ReubenRebutting False Teachings on the Church, Promoted in an Article by Mike HovlandEarlier this year (2022) pastor Mike Hovland of the Reformed-Calvinist Grace Bible Fellowship Church posted an online Q&A article on “The...
ReubenDoes the Bible Teach the Church is Universal? Part 2Part 1 Ignatius, a so-called "church father" who lived roughly c. 50-110AD, is the father of the universal church theory, or what he...
ReubenMarks of a True Local Church According to the Seven Churches of RevelationIn 1 Tim 3:15, Paul the Apostle refers to the true local church as: “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”...
ReubenIs the Church Local, or Universal, or Both? Part 1Most people are so immersed in neo-evangelical teachings, they’ve never questioned whether the idea of a “universal” church is a...
ReubenWhat is the "Body of Christ" (1 Cor 12)? 1 Cor 12:27 defines what the “body of Christ” is: “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." Paul says that the church...
ReubenThe Destructive Damage of the “Universal Church” DoctrineThe Bible only teaches local church. Universal church doctrine is not taught in the Bible. There isn't such a thing — church isn't...